Saturday, August 29, 2009

PC Antispyware 2010

PC Antispyware 2010 is a fake security software (rogue) from the Braviax family: Home Antivirus 2010, PC Security 2009, Home Antivirus 2009.

The rogue creates fake files on the system and detects it as malware to scare users.

Once registered, the rogues updates the database:
But its database is from ClamAV and its date is 09 Dec 2007 (a bit outdated).
ClamAV-VDB:09 Dec 2007 15-50 +0000:45:169676:21:b35429d8d5d60368eea9630062f7c75a:

AVCare Rogue

AVCare is a fake AntiMalware software. It detects fake infections and displays fake alerts messages to scare users.

Once registered (and without any cleaning) AVCare doesn't detect any infected item...

Friday, August 28, 2009

Thursday, August 27, 2009

SaveDefense rogue

Save Defense is the new clone of the Winisoft family (Trust Ninja, SaveSoldier, SaveKeep, Winishield, WiniFighter, WiniBlueSoft)

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Trust Ninja, SaveSoldier, SaveKeep

Trust Ninja is the new rogue of the Winisoft family (SaveSoldier, SaveKeep, WiniFighter, WiniBlueSoft)

Thanks to Bharath for captures

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Smart Virus Eliminator

Smart Virus Eliminator is a new rogue from the same family as Windows Protection Suite, Windows System Suite, Windows Security Suite, Malware Destructor 2009, FastAntivirus, MalwareCatcher, VirusShield, Extra Antivirus, Virus Sweeper, Ultra Antivir 2009, Virusdoctor, VirusMelt, VirusAlarm.

Smart Virus Eliminator displays fake alerts to scare users.

Thanks to Grinler
BleepingComputer Smart Virus Eliminator removal guide.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Total Security 2009

Total security 2009 is a new version of System Security rogue. This fake anti-spyware tool displays fake alert messages, prevent execution of legit programs, detects inexistent infections to scare users.

Registering the software before the 1st scan begins, the tool detects no infections. Then, clicking on Updates button, the tool shows an "Updating" ballon message, but there is no network activity.

Thanks to Mak and Bharath

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Windows Protection Suite

Windows Protection Suite Rogue is the new version of a long family list: Windows System Suite, Windows Security Suite, Malware Destructor 2009, FastAntivirus, MalwareCatcher, VirusShield, Extra Antivirus, Virus Sweeper, Ultra Antivir 2009, Virusdoctor, VirusMelt, VirusAlarm.

Windows Protection Suite comes from fake online scanners and detects nonexistent malwares to scare users pushing them to buy a license.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Winishield rogue

Winishield is the new rogue of the Winisoft family (WiniFighter, WiniBlueSoft)