easyincomeprotection.cn (
easybestprotection.cn (
easypersonalprotection.cn (
freedefense2u.cn (
myascertainpoison.cn (
mycheckdiseasestore.cn (
mydefense4you.cn (
refugepro.cn (
yourguardforyou.cn (
yourguardonline.cn (
yourguardpro.cn (
yourguardstore.cn (
av-plus-support.com (
myplusantiviruslive.com (
easyaddedantivirus.com (
myplusantiviruspro.com (
yourcountedantivirus.com (
addedantivirusonline.com (
addedantivirusstore.com (
realantivirusplus.com (
addedantiviruspro.com (
addedantiviruslive.com (
If the rogue detects a lot of infections (all inexistent), once registered, it propose to remove them. If we don't accept (ALT-F4 to quit) they have all disappeared on next execution.